SEO Ebook: complete guide to SEO

SEO can seem like a total minefield. There is a lot of information about SEO on the internet. Not only is it overwhelming, but a lot of the information is worryingly inaccurate. I have compiled six years of SEO experience into two epic SEO ebooks – one for small businesses and one for bloggers.

This SEO ebook contains everything you need to know about SEO. Nothing more and nothing less. Written by an SEO expert with a proven track record, this SEO guide lays out clear, actionable advice for you to improve the search performance of your site. Improve rankings, drive more organic traffic, and increase revenue.

“Jessie is leagues above any SEO agency or individual I have used in my career” – Head of Growth, Secret Spa

SEO Guide for Businesses


A comprehensive SEO guide that is tailored for small businesses and SMEs. Drive more organic traffic to your website and increase revenue.


SEO Guide for Bloggers


There are different nuances to SEO for a blog than for a traditional business. This DIY SEO ebook has been written specifically for bloggers.



I have compiled over seven years of knowledge and experience from working on various SEO campaigns of all shapes and sizes into this SEO guide.


No complicated SEO jargon, this ebook offers clear explanations and actionable advice. No previous SEO or development experience needed.


This SEO ebook features 70+ pages of clear SEO guidance. It covers all the important phases of an SEO strategy, without drowning you in unnecessary details.

But don't just take my word for it...

“Jessie’s ebook deserves a place in every blogger’s arsenal. She cuts all the nonsense and gets straight to the point providing effective tips which are easy to implement, useful definitions and information on the mechanics behind SEO.

I like how Jessie has simplified the more complicated topics and made them easier to understand so bloggers with any level of SEO knowledge can use this ebook. And even as someone who already has a strong understanding of SEO, I’ve learnt so much and just wish I had this ebook when I first started blogging!”

Katy Stephenson – Lifestyle Blogger

“Before reading Jessie’s SEO guide, I was genuinely lost as to how to improve my SEO. I had no experience with coding or website development, so it felt insurmountable. Jessie’s SEO e-book cuts through all of that, providing simple and clear guidance on what SEO is, why you need it, and how to implement your SEO strategy.

As someone who knew nothing about this topic, it’s given me a clear methodology for improving my SEO, and something I can refer back to when implementing that. It’s a fantastic e-book, and one I would recommend to bloggers starting out and those looking to implement and improve their SEO strategy.”

Tilly Milnes – Travel & Lifestyle Blogger

Who am I?

I am a freelance SEO Consultant working with businesses of all sizes and industries to improve their organic visibility and drive more revenue from search. Before going freelance, I was Head of SEO at an award-winning digital agency in London.

With over seven years of experience in digital marketing, I bring years of knowledge to the table. I work with my clients on fully managed SEO campaigns, one-off audits, training, and consultancy. This means that I understand all of the priorities and pain points of running SEO campaigns.

Alongside my SEO consultancy, I run a travel and lifestyle blog. That’s why I also wanted to write the best SEO guide out there that is specifically tailored for bloggers. Although the fundamentals are the same, there are nuances and differences to doing SEO for a blog, rather than a traditional business.

SEO Guide for Businesses


This ebook offers a detailed but clear SEO guide that is specifically tailored to small and medium-sized businesses. Whether you are a brand new business yet to launch, or an established SME, this SEO ebook can help you.

Over the years I have worked with countless small businesses and SMEs on their SEO campaigns, so I understand the various pain points and priorities involved.

This ebook will serve as a roadmap for any small businesses looking to understand and implement SEO in-house, or to approach a consultant or agency armed with the knowledge to ensure they deliver.



Are you spending a lot of time writing content for your blog but getting frustrated that’s it not being seen by many people?

This SEO ebook has been specifically tailored for bloggers. It covers all the important aspects of an SEO strategy, from technical and on-page SEO to content advice and link-building methods which actually work.

As a blogger myself, I understand the unique struggles of gaining visibility in this crowded industry. No matter your blog niche, this DIY SEO ebook provides clear, actionable advice that will get you results.


SEO Guide for Bloggers

What will I learn in the SEO ebook?

1. Understanding SEO

We start with some SEO basics, establishing the objectives of SEO and how the search engines work. The aim is to simplify the SEO process to make it easier to understand and implement.

2. Technical SEO

You don't need to be a coding wizard to be able to do technical SEO. I cover all the essential components of technical SEO, explaining how you can improve the technical standing of your website.

3. Keyword research

Keyword research is essential to a successful SEO strategy. I explain everything you need to know about keyword research – why it's important, how to do it, and the best tools to use.

4. On-page SEO

A complete guide to on-page SEO, giving you the required knowledge to optimise your pages and posts. Improve rankings and increase visibility with optimised metadata, headings, body copy, and more.

5. Content strategy

Why you need an active blog on your website and how to create a successful content strategy for it. From researching topics and what makes a good blog post to readability and a pre-publish checklist.

6. Link-building

Link-building is one of the hardest parts of SEO. I explain what link-building is and why it is important. I also share 10 different methods of link-building in a way that does not violate Webmaster Guidelines.

Client testimonials

“Jessie has done a great job at accelerating our search traffic. With an attention to detail and appreciation of the nuances of our branding and messaging, Jessie has crafted well-written and relevant blog posts, carried out an in-depth technical review of our website and has started to improve our backlink portfolio as well.”

Edward Davies – Co-Founder

“Since we started working with Jessie, we have seen immediate improvements in search presence, organic traffic and overall site sales. Jessie has been highly communicative and engaging, producing quality content and identifying areas to improve, search as low-ranking keywords, specific blog content and link building opportunities.”

William Brightman – Co-Founder

“Jessie took on our SEO about 6 months ago and she is leagues above any SEO agency or individual I have used in my career. She combines her technical expertise with a true understanding of the beauty industry and the services we offer at Secret Spa.

This insight into our world is invaluable for her keyword research, competitor analysis, content production and PR, all of which have been pitch-perfect. She takes pains to explain her process and progress and works as a true extension of our team. Couldn’t recommend Jessie highly enough.”​

Emerald Brown – Head of Growth

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